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Sunday, March 28, 2010

NLT Quiz Fail

This morning I was knocking around on the New Living Translation Web site, and found a short Bible quiz. I thought it sounded like fun, so I went ahead and tried it. You answer each question, and it immediately tells you the answer. Ironically, on one question the right answer cannot be determined from the NLT text. Check it out:

The New Living Translation is not a revised version of the classic Living Bible paraphrase from way back. The NLT is a new translation (not a paraphrase) which means that its fidelity to the original texts is much more exact than the paraphrase. In this case, the word means "death-shadow" so "darkest valley" is arguably an acceptable translation, but maybe whoever set up this quiz should have paid closer attention to the questions and answers to make sure they were completely appropriate to the translation they are trying to convince me to use!

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