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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"My Trust in My Lord"

Look: I believe in Him. It’s that simple and that complex. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the God Man who came to earth, born as a tiny baby and then lived over thirty years in our midst. I believe in what we celebrate this week: the scandal of the cross and the miracle of the Resurrection. My belief is total. And I know that I cannot convince anyone of it by reason, anymore than an atheist can convince me, by reason, that there is no God.

A long life of historical study and biblical research led me to my belief, and when faith returned to me, the return was total. It transformed my existence completely; it changed the direction of the journey I was traveling through the world. Within a few years of my return to Christ, I dedicated my work to Him, vowing to write for Him and Him alone. My study of Scripture deepened; my study of New Testament scholarship became a daily commitment. My prayers and my meditation were centered on Christ.

Thus begins one of the most eloquent and reasoned posts about the Christian faith that I have seen in a long time.

Did I mention that it was published jointly by the we-have-a-reputation-for-being-liberal Washington Post and Newsweek?

Oh... and that it was written by vampire-novel-author Anne Rice?

My Trust in My Lord

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