Monday, October 26, 2015

HUGE Bible Sale at!

Christianbook is having a HUMONGOUS Bible sale between now an November 2! If you're in the market for a new Bible, or would like to stock up on Christmas presents or gifts for other occasions (say, for example, Epiphany!), you really owe it to yourself to hop over to the sale and take a look. There are study Bibles, storybook Bibles for kids, daily devotional Bibles, Bibles with cute covers, Bibles for teens and their moms, Bibles in Spanish, Bibles in all of the popular translations like the ESV, the NIV, and the NLT, with prices up to and exceeding 70% off! (Reportedly there is something priced at 94% off... can you find it?)

Click here to check it out for yourself!